Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Still Fishing

It was a little hard to catch anything the other night with a pod of Orca floating around the harbour all night, but I did get one snapper with my new rod and reel. It was delicious.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunset in Paradise

We haven't ventured to far from home lately. The weather hasn't been that great and lots of things have needed to be done on the orchard in preparation for the arrival of "THE BEES".
Fishing has occupied a few nights but we haven't been that successful as yet. The new rod and reels we treated ourselves to this week should help. We figure we have to catch about 30kg of fish to break even!! Marty now leads the catch tally having caught a snapper and a trevalli.

We came home from a hard night of croquet to see this beautiful sunset from the backyard.