Monday, October 27, 2008

Gone Fishing

No rain, very little wind so last night seemed like a good time to go fishing. It was but nothing much was caught. By the end of the night I was leading the catch tally with one starfish!!

Not to be deterred Marty was up at 4am this morning beavering away in the kitchen and a few minutes later he appeared at my bedside with coffee and museli. By 4.45 he was knocking on brother Tony's window giving them the wake up call as they had said they would be going out early as well. The moon was still out as we left the ramp and headed out into the harbour.

It was pretty chilly standing in the water holding the boat while Marty parked the truck but the knowledge of dry socks and hot coffee on board kept me strong. (Actually it was a combination of coffee and cocoa as we had run out of instant coffee - it tasted pretty good though)

We anchored at Marker 13, one of Tony and Adrienne's a favourite spots where we threw out our lines and watched the sunrise. It was glorious.

Tony and Adrienne hauled in a few small Kawhai while Marty had a fight with a very good size stingray. At times we could see it flapping on the top of the water. Eventually it broke the line and disappeared. As he didn't land it in the boat it didn't count towards his tally. I however managed to land a small Kawahi so I am still in the lead.

I think the stingray scared off all the fish as things went pretty quiet after that. Tony and Adrienne motored off down the harbour to try their luck trawling for kingfish while we motored over to Flat Rock to try our luck there. Being on the top of the high tide meant we were just floating every which way and with not so much as a nibble we decided to head for home.

A lovely way to start the day. We will be out again tonight as the tide is just perfect to get the change of light.

Maybe this time we will come home with a fish for dinner.

1 comment:

Sue said...

The stuff of dreams!
Oh to be in the Bay of Plenty now that summer is almost here.