The plan was to walk up through the Kauri Grove to Te Rereatukahia Hut where we would have lunch. This is a 2.5 to 3hr hike with 90% of it being steep uphill so it would be a real test for us. Then it was a uphill down dale walk across the ridge till we joined up with the Tauhu Saddle which would take us along a more leisurely track back to the car park.
Our first hazard was a river crossing. We all made it without getting wet feet although Trudie nearly pushed daughter Maddie in, trying to be helpful.
Once we were all safely on the other side the uphill climb began which soon sorted the men from the boys. I got the distinct impression that several of the "team" thought I fed them very misleading information on the severity of the climb.
The baby Kauri trees were quite impressive and we were all very greatful for the shade they provided. The ferns were equally as impressive.
Once we were out of the Kauri Grove I think I may have used the terms " gentle and undulating" to describe the terrain from there to the hut. I must have been thinking of another track by the amount of mumbling that was going on, including threats to show me the meaning of the word "undulating" in the dictionary.
The track levelled out for a while before climbing again for a short distance to reach the ridgeline.
The terrain went from covered bush to wind swept landscape with small grassy knolls. The perfect place to rest our weary limbs before the final push to the hut for lunch.
Janet, Maree and Josie were very pleased to get there. There was one tramper staying in the hut and soon after two hunters arrived. They would be joined later by two families who were also staying the night in the hut. Wonder if they got fresh venison?
After a much needed rest we made our way to the Tauhu Saddle. A slightly easier 1.5hr tramp up and down the ridge line.
As we neared the Tauhu track we had spectacular views across the Waikato one way and the Bay of Plenty the other.
The pic above shows the inner Tauranga harbour and the little town of Katikati.
The last two hours down the Tauhu Track were a breeze. 7 hours after we started we were all back at the carpark. The only downside to the day was that we were to late to go to the hot springs for a much needed soak. A great day out and we already have the next one planned.
I had a long soak in the bath and enjoyed a lovely meal prepared by Marty before having a very early night.
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