Saturday, February 11, 2023

Katikati to Picton

 Day one of our trip was full of drama. I was a little apprehensive about riding the Comet and my first fopah was stalling at the Bethlehem roundabout but luckily I dropped the clutch and away she went. Not so lucky at the water tank turn on the Poripori. By the time I got her restarted MJ had come back to look for me. The main trouble was the gear change lever was too far away for me and changing up was a real issue. MJ said it was a quick fix so would adjust it then and there but he couldn't find the keys to the top or tool boxes. Must have left them at home. Not something we could be without so he turned for home, I opted to ride on and wait for him at Whakamaru and Blair would visit his father in law in Tokoroa. Turns out he is in the South Island so he waited for me in Putaruru and we travelled together to Whakamaru where we had lunch and waited. We waited just over two hours for MJ who turned up sans keys. He couldn't find them so just gathered up some extra tools instead.

Next stop Waiouru at Subway for a leg stretch and coffee. The nice subway manager rushed over and flicked my side stand out for me. Was a short hop from there to Taihape. Via the inter com I thought MJ said he had lost a filling so I thought nothing of it when he disappeared from view. I arrived at the BP and waited, and waited. How long does it take to spit out a filling I thought. Decided to fill up and head to the motel. Left a message on Blairs phone to say where I was. Just as I finished checking us all in they arrived as did torrential rain that soaked us all. Turns out it wasn't a filling MJ lost but a cylinder and then gas lol. Blair to the rescue,  He shot to the nearest petrol duration bought a can and some gas. 

We had a lovely meal at the Chinese and after a nightcap we all decided an early night was required.

MJ adjusted the gear lever position and it's much better.


Late last night we got an email saying our ferry booking had been changed and we would now be on the 3.45pm sailing. Made an emergency call to Mark and Kerry and we are lucky enough to be able to bunk down there on Sunday night. Phew.

Didn't sleep that well because I was worrying about getting thru all the lights at Karori.

First drama of the day was the roll bag we put on the Shadow opened up and clothes spilled out along the road. Blair to the rescue again, picking it all up.  A cop saw the incident and kindly stopped and parked in front of the bikes till all was sorted. He never got out of his car or spoke to them.

MJ barely made it to Levin. His gas consumption is not good.

Transmission Gully is great and makes riding into Wellington so much more pleasant. I got thru Karori no problem at all but I did forget to turn into Dean's house and shot straight up to Briar's. Had to get MJ to bring the bike down. I was too tired to cope with the short sharp downhill into a left turn.

Boys did a bit of Vincent maintenance.

Very pleasant evening in Makara.


MJ woke up this morning and leapt out of bed as he remembered he hadn't tightened the front tank mounting bolts yesterday. That would not be a good look. He also found the missing keys in a hidden pocket on his riding trou. What a relief.

A short but tiring day. Hung out at Dean's till 2 then rode down to the ferry. Heaps of bikes going across so we were loaded differently and we really needed more tie downs but we had to make do with two per bike and hope they held if it was rough.

Was raining when we got off the boat but the sailing had been smooth and the bikes were still upright. Made ourselves at home and had another early night. Only rode 46km today but the ferry sailing added to the journey.

Great to be in the South Island and both bikes still going well.

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